I recently started delving into the world of eCommerce and came across the term "headless WordPress". At first, the term seemed strange, but after doing some research, I realized that it is one of the most promising areas in web development. I was especially interested in an article that details the best headless WordPress eCommerce platforms https://getdevdone.com/blog/headless-wordpress-ecommerce.html. Using a headless approach means separating the frontend and backend, which gives more flexibility in creating a user interface. I was especially impressed by the platforms mentioned in the article. For example, WooCommerce integrated with Gatsby or Next.js allows you to create a lightning-fast and interactive store. Shopify in conjunction with WordPress has also proven to be a great solution for those who want to keep content management simple, but still get powerful eCommerce functionality.
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Contemporary Realism. Subjects include Still Life, Landscape and Portraits. Painted from life 'en plein air' or in my studio.
Art by FelicityStarr Group
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